SIIA Letter to Senate Commerce Committee on KOSMA

The Software & Information Industry Association has submitted a letter to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation providing feedback on S.278, the Kids Off Social Media Act (KOSMA). While SIIA supports efforts to protect children and teens online, the letter highlights several concerns with the bill’s provisions, including its potential negative impact on education technology, privacy protections, and user experience. SIIA appreciates the inclusion of an education carve-out but urges lawmakers to reconsider restrictions on personalized recommendation systems, adopt an actual knowledge standard for age verification, and establish a clear federal preemption to avoid a fragmented state-by-state regulatory landscape.

Additionally, SIIA raises concerns about the Eyes on the Board Act, a provision within KOSMA that could impose federal mandates on schools and restrict access to digital tools in educational settings. The letter underscores the importance of striking a balance between safety, privacy, and access to online resources while ensuring that regulatory measures do not create unintended consequences for students, educators, and the broader digital ecosystem.

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