Education Technology

SIIA provides a unique community for ed tech companies to get noticed, gain knowledge critical to business success, and join together to influence policies that impact our industry. We help members navigate and stay current on education law and policy to respond to the needs of and better serve educators and students.

Our Policy Priorities Include:

Promoting Education Technology
SIIA serves as the key champion for the education technology industry through our advocacy and public affairs efforts.

Advocating for Investment in Education
SIIA advocates for increased investment in all levels of education and helps our members track and understand federal investments in education.

Protecting Children’s and Student Data Privacy
SIIA supports policies that protect student and child privacy and the security of personal information. We track legislation and regulations to help our members understand privacy and security policies and best practices.

Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
SIIA helps to advance corporate DEI efforts by sharing best practices. SIIA also supports the inclusion of diverse perspectives to support well-rounded learning across subject areas including history, social studies, and civic education.

Supporting the Responsible Use of Emerging Technologies
SIIA works with our members and policymakers to understand the benefits and risks of incorporating emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence in education.

Ed Tech Success Stories

SIIA provides a unique community for ed tech companies to get noticed, gain knowledge critical to business success, and join together to influence policies that impact our industry. We help members navigate and stay current on education law and policy to respond to the needs of and better serve educators and students.

In addition to students and teachers who were without a classroom, millions of workers found themselves suddenly unemployed and in need of reskilling opportunities as their old jobs disappeared for good. These case studies, which will also be submitted to the US Department of Education as part of their Safer Schools and Campuses Best Practices Clearing House provide critical insights to how the industry responded in an historic event, connecting, educating and closing the gap for the most in-need and at-risk students

The CODiE Awards

The SIIA CODiE Awards recognize innovation across education and business technology -- celebrating companies, their products and services. Since 1986, this peer-reviewed program has continued to evolve with the technology it honors, showcasing the most cutting-edge products. 


The CODiE Awards

The SIIA CODiE Awards recognize innovation across education and business technology -- celebrating companies, their products and services. Since 1986, this peer-reviewed program has continued to evolve with the technology it honors, showcasing the most cutting-edge products. 


Innovation Showcase

Innovation Showcase supports entrepreneurs in bringing innovative learning technologies to the education market. It goes beyond a typical accelerator or incubator boot camp for startups by helping establish participants as future leaders in this market by connecting them to industry leaders, experts, and decision makers with a vast array of expertise, resources and guidance to share.

Recent Actions

SIIA Applauds New AI Guide from U.S. Department of Education

The following statement regarding the release of Designing for Education with Artificial Intelligence: An Essential Guide for Developers, a new …

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New DOJ Rule on ADA Title II and Its Impact on EdTech Companies

The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) today published a white paper highlighting some of the major requirements …

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New Research Shows KOSA’s Long-Standing Issues Are Cause for Serious Concern

In Washington, elected officials in Congress are considering a number of bills aimed at protecting children’s privacy online. …

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SIIA and 12 Organizations Oppose Inclusion of KOSA in FAA Reauthorization

The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) and 12 organizations are collectively opposing the inclusion of the Kids …

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IN THE NEWS: House members, witnesses agree time is ripe to pass federal data privacy laws

Proposals to improve children’s online data privacy were a big focus during a House subcommittee hearing on Wednesday. By: …

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Celebrating Sara Kloek: A Leader in the AI Revolution Shaping Education

This week, Sara Kloek, SIIA Vice President of Education and Children’s Policy, was honored as one of the Women …

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