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April 12 @ 3:00PM Singapore Time

FISD Members: FREE
Non-Members: $250

Join us for a late afternoon virtual gathering to catch up with other Asia/Australia-based FISD members. While we won’t be able to share handshakes, New Year greetings or hugs, this informal meeting will allow registrants to connect via video and/or audio. This is the second-best way to reconnect with friends, colleagues and libations!


3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Michelle Cameron

Head of Sustainable Investment and Finance – Asia, Refinitiv

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Tanya Seajay

CEO and Founder, Orenda Software Solutions, a SIX company

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Kate Turner

Deputy Global Head of Responsible Investment, First Sentier Investors

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Chan Kum Kong

Head of Research, SGX

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Michael Savatico

Head of Asia Pacific ESG Business Development, S&P Global Sustainable1, S&P Global

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