GovTech Quotes SIIA’s Victoria Akosile on EdTech Advocacy Day

Last week, SIIA hosted a Joint Ed Tech Advocacy Day spotlighting issues and advancement described in this post.

EdTech Advocacy Day: Modernizing E-Rate a Policy Priority

The Washington, D.C., event brought policymakers and other ed-tech stakeholders together to discuss policy proposals geared toward closing the digital divide, putting Wi-Fi on buses and other topics. Victoria Akosile, SIIA’s ed-tech policy manager, said such discussions and policy proposals will play a major role in closing the digital divide in education once and for all. “We were thrilled to hear about Chairwoman Rosenworcel’s proposal to allow E-rate funds to connect school buses to Wi-Fi,” she said. “SIIA is eager to continue to work with policymakers and our partner organizations to finally close the digital divide.”

The full article can be read here.

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