Gustavo Pimentel

Managing Director, SITAWI

Gustavo Pimentel is Managing Director of SITAWI, where he leads Latin America’s largest practice on Sustainable Finance and ESG Research now boasting 35+ professionals. He was voted the 3rd best contributor to the Responsible Investment agenda globally by Extel Independent Research in Responsible Investment – IRRI 2019. For 15 years, Gustavo has been advising commercial and development banks, asset managers, pension funds and insurers on integrating ESG and climate issues into strategy, risk management, product development and investment analysis, serving clients in Brazil and Latin America. Before starting his sustainable finance consulting practice in 2009, Gustavo managed the influential Eco-Finance Program at NGO Amigos da Terra – Amazônia Brasileira and worked in the financial sector (Unibanco, ABN AMRO and SR Rating). Gustavo has a BA in Economics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and an International MBA from IE Business School.

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