Lou Ricciardi

Director and Associate General Counsel, Citigroup

Lou has worked for and on behalf of Citi and its affiliates and predecessors, including Citigroup Global Markets Inc., Citibank NA, Salomon Smith Barney, and Salomon Brothers Inc, as an attorney and advisor for nearly 35 years.  In his many in-house roles, Lou has gained and utilized his extensive legal and industry expertise to provide advice and guidance on intellectual property, e-commerce, market data, and other related legal, technology, market data and business issues of importance in the financial services industry.  He has documented and negotiated many large and complex transactions for the benefit of Citi.  Additionally, Lou has handled numerous transactions related to software and data licensing, outsourcing, professional services, and other related matters.

Lou’s work also includes serving and participating on various industry committees.  Lou has been a member of SIFMA’s (Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association and its predecessor Securities Industry Association) Technology Regulation Committee in various capacities from 1995 – present, including serving as Chair of the SIFMA Technology Regulation Committee from 2008-2011.  Lou remains active on that committee along with several Subcommittees, including the Equities Market Structure and Trading Subcommittee, and participates with respect to this within the Financial Information Services Division (FISD) of the Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA).  Lou has been involved on many industry initiatives relevant to the market and exchange data regulatory and legal environment. This involvement has provided Lou with important insights as the issues associated with technology, data, law, and business continue to evolve and intersect with each other.

Lou is a graduate of New York University and Brooklyn Law School, and is licensed to practice in both New York and New Jersey.

Lou has also done extensive volunteer work, both of the legal and non-legal variety, particularly in and around the New Jersey community where he resides.

Any views expressed by Lou during any participation on panels are his own and not necessarily those of Citi’s.

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