European Court of Justice Decision Jeopardizes Critical Data Flows

SIIA CONTACT: Michelle Harris, 202.789.4450 
 European Court of Justice Decision to Invalidate the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Jeopardizes Critical Data Flows

WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 16, 2020) – SIIA, the principal association for the software, information, and digital content industries, expressed strong concerns regarding the European Court of Justice ruling invalidating the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield, thereby disrupting transatlantic data flows.

SIIA President and CEO, Jeff Joseph, issued the following statement:

“We are disappointed in and extremely concerned about the decision by the European Court of Justice to invalidate the Privacy Shield, which serves as a strong and important transatlantic facilitator of transborder data flows relied on by more than 5,000 EU. and U.S. companies. The decision brings significant data flows to a halt less than nine months after the third annual review found that the Privacy Shield works to protect the data of EU subjects.

“Though many headlines on this case focus on its impact on social media, the reverberations are much more profound and widespread. Thousands of companies of all sizes rely on Privacy Shield across a wide range of industries.  They opened their business this morning to find their transfer mechanism for critical data flows possibly shut off. 

“The flow of data between the U.S. and E.U. is essential to businesses of all sizes and an incredibly diverse array of beneficial services. We urge E.U. and U.S. officials to meet immediately to find a path forward.”

About SIIA:
SIIA is an umbrella association that represents constituencies from technology, data and media companies. Through in-person and online business development opportunities, peer networking, corporate education, intellectual property protection and government relations, SIIA provides a network of resources for its 800+ member companies that drive innovation and growth. For more information, visit

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