Joint Industry Statement on the Draft European Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services (EUCS)

SIIA and 13 associations represent both cloud customers and cloud vendors operating across the European Digital Single Market that have already made substantial investment contributions across numerous industries to build a thriving digital ecosystem in Europe. Our members include numerous organizations of all sizes that rely on first-class digital technologies to deliver their services and products in the EU and beyond. Our members seek to build a competitive, innovative and resilient digital economy while upholding shared values and interests of data privacy, effective cybersecurity protection, and supporting open markets.

We believe that an inclusive and non-discriminatory EUCS – supporting the use of the most innovative and trusted cloud services from around the world – will help our members and their customers prosper at home and abroad, thus contributing to Europe’s digital ambitions and strengthening its resilience. Regrettably, the draft EUCS includes several “immunity requirements” 1 that raise questions on compliance with the WTO’s General Agreement on Trade in Services and the EU’s Government Procurement Agreement commitments

Read the full statement here.

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