An SIIA & Orange Grove Consulting Webinar
For those interested in diving deeper into diversity & inclusion in the workplace, SIIA is excited to offer our members an exclusive workshop series with Orange Grove Consulting, Reimagine an Inclusive Workplace: Creating the Plan. Through a combination of interactive webinars, self-guided lessons, and peer-group coaching, participants will be guided through the process of creating and implementing a new vision for inclusion in their workplace. Please see this flyer for full details.
Jodi Detjen
Co-founder & Managing Partner, Orange Grove Consulting
Jodi is an organizational consultant and educator. Her mission is to help organizations leverage their talent strategically by increasing inclusion as soon as possible. In addition to being Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Orange Grove Consulting, Jodi is Clinical Professor of Management at Suffolk University. She has spent her career transforming the way people work and designs top-tier women’s leadership programs. She has consulted and run workshops for clients such as Accenture, Microsoft Partners and Oracle. She is co-author of the book, The Orange Line: A Woman’s Guide to Integrating Career, Family, and Life. Her upcoming book on building inclusive workplaces will be published February 2021. Jodi earned her B.Sc. from Virginia Tech, her MA from Duke University and is currently pursuing her Doctorate at Temple University.
About Orange Grove Consulting
Orange Grove Consulting specializes in research-based leadership development and bias-removal. We help organizations improve recruitment, retention and promotion of diverse talent across an organization. We can uncover barriers to diversity in current talent pipeline with a focus on removing them so all people can thrive. Our end goal is to create more innovative and productive workplaces.