AM&P Network’s Association Council Announces 2022-23 Advisory Board

For Immediate Release


WASHINGTON, DC (June 23, 2022): The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA)’s Association, Media and Publishing Network (AM&P Network) has announced the 2022-23 leadership for the Network’s Associations Council. 

“We are the only community providing programming, networking, best practices and curated content for association publishers,” said Jen Smith, Association Council Director, “The past few years have been tough on all businesses, but especially for association publishing. We are coming out stronger than ever – with gratitude for the publishing superstars whose tremendous counsel and guidance supported our membership last year.”

“The Associations Council Advisory Board is made up of publishing professionals, sharing their time and talent to make us all better and to build this incredible network. We are thrilled to announce this year’s Council leaders and members,” said Smith.

Associations Council Advisory Board 2022-23

  • President: Stacy Brooks, American Physiological Society

  • Vice President: Marlene Hendrickson, American Staffing Association 

  • Secretary: Thad Plumley, National Ground Water Association

  • At Large Member: Al Rickard, Association Vision

  • Immediate Past President, Chris Okenka, Turnaround Management Association

In addition to the officers, the following will be serving as Board Members: Rob Anderson, American Health Law Association; Stefan Bradham, National Minority Supplier Development Council; Melissa Broadus, Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA); Lilia LaGesse, Heard Creative Co.; Elena Loveland, National Association of Corporate Directors; Damita Snow, American Society of Civil Engineers; Meghan Stromberg, American Planning Association; Alexis Redmond, Manufacturers Alliance; and Nicole Racadag, American College of Radiology.

To learn more about the benefits to joining the AM&P Network, including upcoming events, educational and other volunteer opportunities, please visit:

About Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA)

SIIA is the only professional organization connecting more than 450 data, financial information, education technology, specialized content and publishing companies. Our diverse members provide the critical data, content, and information that drives the global economy, informs financial networks, connects learners and educators, and drives innovation. Learn more at

About AM&P Network: 

SIIA’s Associations, Media & Publishing Network fosters collaboration, spurs innovative thinking and builds community uniting data and content providers, specialty publishers, event producers, trade association communicators and others across the information ecosystem. We focus on sharing best practices, promoting excellence and providing solutions in the areas of talent, technology, revenue and content strategies.


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